Life Safety Advisory &
Consultancy That Matters
We are grounded in the belief that safety is THE basic human right. It's the new sustainability. We offer fire/life safety and emergency consulting services for commercial properties, specifically high-rise hotels, office, and apartment buildings within the City of Los Angeles. A building is considered a high-rise, when it is 75' & over.
We are proud to offer Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) mandated planning, training, and certification per The Chief's Regulation 4. These tools include master emergency manuals, fire safety director, floor warden, building staff, and tenant training, and evacuation drill certifications.
In addition, we are happy to offer our services to other properties that accept LAFD standard materials and methodologies.
We can't plan for emergencies, but we can plan our responses to them.

Los Angeles based, wherever needed
Life Safety Advisory &
Consultancy That Matters
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou